Planning on coming to Toronto?

Planning on coming to Toronto?

Before coming to Toronto there are some important things you need to do to prepare:

1) Passport and Visa

Before you do anything else you should make sure your passport is up to date and you have a visa that will allow you to move to a country. If your passport is not current you will need a new one and it can take several weeks. Keep that in mind! A problem with your visa may cause delays in your schedule!

2) Plan your budget

Try to guess how much you will be spending in Toronto before you come. That way you can prepare some money and when you come it will no longer be a problem or that way, you can decide if you are going to work or not.

3) Think about your living situation

If you are moving to study, it could be interesting to look for a place to live near your school. you will have more facilities and a practical routine. Maybe, you can sleep more every morning!

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